2025 Cage Bird Exhibition
For 174 years, the Royal Agricultural Society has hosted the Royal Agricultural Show, an outstanding showcase of the best livestock from KwaZulu-Natal and further afield.
The Pietermaritzburg Canary and Cage Bird Club will host their 111th annual open showing at the 2025 Royal Agricultural Show.
Cage bird classes
Cage bird classes
Closing date for entries: TBC
Queries: Please contact Tim Nixon at
079 893 8610
For 113 years, the Pietermaritzburg Canary and Cage Bird Club has been committed to breeding excellence, ethical bird keeping, and fellowship amongst bird enthusiasts. The Club was originally established in 1912 as the Cage Bird and Gold Fish Club.
2025 will be their 111th showcase of the hobby of keeping, breeding, exhibiting and showing cage birds. This pastime, which brings people of all ages and from all walks of life together, is educational, interesting, helps to limit the trade in wild caught and imported birds, and promotes conservation.
The Club is committed to helping its members be the best keepers, breeders and exhibitors they can be. You are invited to come and view the birds in the Royal Bird Hall, and to discuss any aspect of bird keeping with the club members.
You are also invited to join the club and enjoy their shows, meetings, social gatherings, discussions, talks, mentorship, and newsletters. There will be birds for sale.
People who are interested in joining the Club or who would like more information may contact:
Rob Armstrong (Chairman)
079 173 9267
Graham Adam (Show manager)
072 273 1962
Chris Milborrow (President)
061 251 1234