ROYALAGRICULTURALSHOWHosted by the Royal Agricultural Society ROYALAGRICULTURALSHOW Are you involved in agriculture?Would you like to be a part of the Royal Agricultural Show’s journey into the future?Sign up below and we’ll ask your opinion in the coming months on areas relevant to you. Name * First Name Last Name Email * Occupation * What is the primary agricultural activity you are involved in? * Livestock (beef cattle) Livestock (dairy cattle) Livestock (sheep) Livestock (goats) Livestock (pork) Livestock (poultry & eggs) Livestock (bees) Livestock (rabbits) Livestock (aquaculture) Forestry/timber production Crops (forage) Crops (cereals, e.g. wheat, maize) Crops (oilseeds, e.g. sunflower, canola, soybeans) Crops (fruit) Crops (nuts) Crops (sugar) Crops (vegetables – above ground) Crops (root crops) Crops (coffee) Crops (berries) Crops (herbs or medicinal plants) Crops (mushrooms) Crops (fibre) Horticulture (seedlings) Horticulture (flowers) Hydroponics Agricultural management Agricultural support (veterinary) Agricultural support (soil preparation, planting, cultivating) Agricultural support (crop harvesting) Agricultural support (post-harvest activities, e.g. drying, cleaning, grading) Agricultural inputs (fertilizer manufacturing) Agricultural inputs (pesticide & other chemical manufacturing) Agricultural inputs (seed production) Fisheries (marine fishing) Fisheries (inland fishing) Agricultural machinery (manufacturing) Agricultural machinery (sales) Agricultural machinery (maintenance) Food processing (meat) Food processing (dairy) Food processing (grain or oilseed milling) Food processing (fruit, vegetable, nuts) Food processing (coffee, tea) Agricultural trade (live animals) Agricultural trade (livestock auctions) Agricultural trade (asset auctions) Agricultural trade (wholesale raw materials & inputs) Agricultural trade (retail products) Agricultural trade (trucking/transport) Agricultural extension services Biotech (e.g. biotech research, genetic research, artificial insemination, assisted reproduction technology) Other agricultural research Agritech (e.g. precision agriculture, farm management software, automation) Agritourism Agricultural journalism Agricultural marketing Agricultural education What parts of the Royal Agricultural Show interest you? (We will use this to avoid sending you any questionnaires not relevant to you.) Cattle Sheep Goats Pork Poultry Rabbits Cage Birds Honey Sheep & Wool Expo KZN Youth Show Fat stock show/Royal Carcass Auction Gold Cup Parade Machinery & equipment Allied agricultural goods or consumables (feed, veterinary products, fuel, etc.) Agricultural services Agritech Agricultural downstream consumer goods (Beneficiated agricultural products like leather goods, wool products, cheese, wine, etc.) Other Thank you!